Monday, 4 February 2013

Principles Of Effective Communication

Assignment 2
Task 2
Include an explanation of the principles of effective communication.
Definition of effective communication
“A two way information sharing process which involves one party sending a message that is easily understood by the receiving party. Effective communication by business managers facilities information sharing between company employees and can substantially contribute to its commercial success.” (
The Purpose of Communication

The Communication Process

General Communication skills
What is General Communication Skills?
This is when you communicating to an audience. who that audience is will determine the type of language you use, the way you put your words together and how you deliver your message.

Communication process needs an audience to communicate the messages to. The success of the message will be determined by:
·         Cultural Difference, .e.g. Christian V Arab
·         Adapting to suit an audience
·         Accuracy
·         Engaging the audience
·         Question and Answer

Choose 2 of the general skills and write about them.
·         Adapting to suit an audience- The age and composition of your audience can impact on the way you communicate with them
·         Cultural Differences-If there are any cultural differences between you and the audience, or within the audience, will need to be addressed. Some of the words or signs that are acceptable in one language or culture, but another culture may be misunderstood or considered offensive in another so you might choose different words or gestures from the ones you would normally use.
 Interpersonal skills
What is Interpersonal Skills?
To get communication to happen, you need to have more than one person to be involved. You need someone their to express the message through words (spoken), signs, signals, facial and bodily experssions or even silence. the other person would use their senses (the popular would be Sight and Hearing) to gather up information to aspects the message.
Choose 2 interpersonal skills and write about them:
·         Technique and cues
·         Positive language
·         Negative language
·         Active engagement
The two Interpersonal Skills I chosen is:
·         Technique and Cues- To express emotion in verbal communications, some change of tone is needed.
Ø  A raised voice can indicate anger or impatience.
Ø  A lowered voice can show fear or insecurity/
In face-to-face discussions, the tone of voice may be accompanied by some body language.
Ø  A fist being thumped on the table conveys more force than hands that are held together as if in prayer or hanging meekly at the speaker’s side.
Ø  Folded arms across the chest may show difference or obstinacy.
Some who is unsighted, or at the end of a telephone line, doesn’t have the extra dimension that body language offers during face-to-face communication. The person can still hear pauses though, and will identify any emotion conveyed through intonation

·         Positive Language- The word “Yes” is a positive response to a question. Your facial expressions- such as a smile- can also convey a positive reaction. Nodding your head, or leaning towards the speaker, conveys agreement or willingness to listen to what is being said.
Written communication skills
This is very different from any other forms of communication. It requires special skills in the construction of the messages- not least the ability to handwrite or type. It also requires a good knowledge of the vocabulary and grammar of a language (such as English) so that the written word conveys the intended message to the audience. You cannot use visual cues such as hand or gestures.

Choose 2 written communication skills and write about the.
·         Smileys or emoticons
·         Key messages
·         Grammar and spelling
·         Structure of the piece of writing
·         Identifying relevance
·         Alternative viewpoints
·         Proofreading
·         Note taking and summarising
·         Capitalisation
My chosen 2 of the written communication skills is:
·         Smileys or emoticons- It can be used to express a frame of mind. There used in text messaging and on the internet torums and social networks like Facebook. They are not suitable for serious communications and would be frowned upon in the workplace.
·         Structure of the piece of writing- If the message runs to more than a line or two, make sure you structure it in a way that aids the readers understanding.
Ø  A logical framework with material presented in a sensible order- using headings and perhaps bullet lists- should help the reader to take in the information without a struggle and without having to read the material more than ones. You might decide to number your points, or present some material in bold so that it stands out.
Ø  An illogical framework will mean that the reader has to work harder to interpret your meaning, and this could result in misunderstandings.
Academic Books
Anderson et al “Information Technology Level 3 Book 1 BTEC National” Pearson 2010


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